Master Amanda Sanders
Master Amanda Sanders moved to Crestview in the early 90’s and started martial arts at 8 years old. For the first 10 years, she did martial arts as a family event with her mother, brother, and sister. In December 2003, her family moved their martial art training over to Gordon Martial Arts where Mrs Sanders eventually started working as an instructor. In 2006, while in Korea, Mrs Sanders competed at the World Championship tournament and successfully tested for third degree in front of Grand Master Rudy Timmerman and a panel of master level instructors. As her martial arts experience has grown, she is a regular presenter at the International Korean Martial Art Festival, taught at a women's clinic in Canada, and is the primary instructor in north Okaloosa for the Sheriff's Department women's self-defense clinics. When asked about her favorite part of martial arts, Mrs Sanders stated, “Sparring all the way! I love how in sparring you get to put all the things you learn in taekwondo into action! Plus I like beating up the boys.”
Being an avid competitor, Mrs Sanders is often seen at tournaments and generally places well. Notably, along with competing in Korea, she competed for Grand Champion at Emerald Coast Martial Art Championships in 2004 and took Grand Champion at the First Hub City Invitational in 2004.
For now, Mrs Sanders is working towards a fourth degree in Combat JuJitsu and looking forward to seeing some of the world doing martial arts. Having caught a seminar with super-tournament champion Chloe Bruce and Stuntman/Trickster Ginger Ninja Aaron Gassor, on the bucket list are Italy, Australia, and maybe a return trip to Korea. Outside of martial arts, Mrs Sanders prefers to spend time with her family and friends. She’s a big fan of scary movies and tends to enjoy most forms of music.
With both her daughters in martial arts, the family tradition continues.
Quick facts:
5th Degree Black Belt in Taekwon-Do (2021)
3rd Degree Black Belt in Combat JuJistu (2024)
2nd Degree Black Belt in Hapkido (2023)
Level 3 Full Instructor in KravMaga (2024)
Gulf Coast Martial Arts Tournament 2014 Champion (Women 18-33 Black Belt Sparring)
Gulf Coast Martial Arts Tournament 2015 Champion (Women 18-33 Black Belt Sparring)